Thursday, February 10, 2011

Minco trip to town! :D

Yesterday, Wednesday 9th of February, myself and the other five girls in my TY mini company group took a trip into Dublin. It wasn't just any old trip to get off school though. We had a busy schedule ahead of us. We had to get the photographs taken that are needed for our hair and beauty book.
On Tuesday evening, we went through all that had to be done. We made out a checklist to make sure we wouldn't forget anything for the photographs being taken.
We set off on the bus into town at half nine in the morning. It took a while for us to get in there with all of the morning traffic. We got off the bus at heuston station and we headed for the NCAD on Thomas Street. We walked from the bus stop up onto James' Street. It was a straight walk down from James' Street to Thomas Street. We stopped off in a shop to get some food to keep us going until lunch time. Before we knew it, we were at the college.
We went inside to the college and we waited in reception for the student photographer who was going to help us with our mini company assignment. Katie was the name of the girl. She was such a lovely and friendly person. She had the photography studio booked for us from eleven in the morning until four in the afternoon. Katie brought us upstairs to the studio where we got ourselves organised and got cracking on the pictures straight away.
We had a list of running order set out for ourselves so we knew what was going on the whole time. We were working really hard and busily right up until one o'clock. We went for lunch then, We had an hour for lunch.
For the hour, we took off out of the college and we went to an amazing restaurant with delicious food called "The Food Gallery". Some of us had soup with brown bread, including myself. Some of the other girls had ham and cheese sandwiches.
After lunch, we got back to the studio in the college and we got everything finished that was on our list. At the very end of our studio session with Katie, we had a good laugh taking group pictures for our cover page of the book. We made them as casual and as fun looking as possible. For the very last photograph, Katie got her lecturer to take a picture of the six of us, herself and her friend, who had been helping her out for the day with us.
We gave Katie a card with a little token in it for herself, to show our appreciation for the time she gave up to help us. She told us that she would get them emailed out to us by this weekend.
We left the studios at around a quarter past four to catch the bus that was leaving Merrion Square at twenty three minutes past four. We got the bus from along the quays.
While we were walking to the bus stop, we came across a blind man trying to cross the road. We helped him across and then we got talking to him. He was going to the bus stop aswell to get a bus. We waited with him and chatted to him until his bus came.He was really thankful towards us for our help.
It was a really worthwhile and beneficial day out in town for Minco.

Niamh! :D

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