Thursday, September 16, 2010

TY - Social development day! :)

On Monday 6th of September 2010, class Amina had a social development day. There were quite a lot of activities involved. It was a very worthwhile day, in my opinion! We had a guest speaker, Austin Dunne. He was really good fun. Our overall goal was to have gained MEGA-confidence! I think everybody left the library on Monday having gained MEGA-confidence! In order to achieve that goal we had to take part in lots of activities and communicate a lot. The first activity involved pairing up with another girl in the class, finding out some things about that girl and then introducing her to the rest of the class. That was good fun. I was paired off with Ruth. We had good craic finding out things about each other. The best was the question of ‘your most embarrassing moment’! Later in the day, we did an activity on different personalities. We used colours to differentiate between the four personality types. The colours that we used were red, yellow, green and blue. The reds are the ‘Hot directors’, the yellows are the ‘Bubbly Entertainers’, the greens are the ‘Mediators’ and the blues are the ‘Observers’. I was categorised into the yellow group. The bubbly entertainers are represented by mad cows! Overall the day was very enjoyable. I feel it was a very worthwhile day as we all got to know each other a lot better! By the end of our social development day I think every one of us had gained MEGA confidence. This showed us that all goals can be achieved with determination.

Niamh! :D

Ty - The First Week!

We started in TY on the last day in august. We got off to a really good start, being put into classes with most of our friends. There are two classes for TY, Emnet and Amina. I am in class Amina. This is the Spanish class. Emnet are in the French class. The names came from an African language. Amina means truth and honesty. Emnet means belief and faith.
We had tutor time first thing on Tuesday morning. Ms O’ Callaghan is our tutor. During tutor time we discussed the general overview of TY and all of the things that we would be doing during the school year. Our TY co-ordinator, Mrs Leahy, came to talk to us as well. We got our journals and our locker keys in this class. My locker is outside in the courtyard… seemingly these lockers leak during the wet weather. It’s a good job that I don’t need to use my locker for any books!
This year, we get a chance to do all of the subject options available in the school. This means that we have a lot of subjects on our timetables. Class Amina is together for most of the subjects that we have. However, we are split up for three of our option classes and for science. We are split up with some of the other class, Emnet, for these classes. We will be taking part in and completing many tasks/activities this year.
In home economics we get the chance to create an outfit. Each group of four or five is assigned a colour. My group got the colour red. One girl in the group will have to model the completed outfit in fashion show. We also get to accessorise the outfit in whatever way we like. In science we are all taking part in the BT young scientist and technology exhibition. This takes place in the RDS after Christmas every year. I’m doing my project on sport and exercise. In technology we talked about health and safety. It was kind of boring. In art I drew my first ever proper picture, but it was still pretty bad!!!
So far, everything has gone really well for me and for my class and the other class.

Talk soon, Niamh!!! :D