Thursday, October 7, 2010

Transition year projects!

At the moment we have a project to complete in most of the subjects we are doing.
In English we are taking part in a drama competition. There are two different groups in the class. One of the groups are doing a play on ''Noughts and Crosses'' and the other group are doing a drama on the poem ''But you Didn't'' by Merrill Glass.
In Irish we have been given the task to design the front cover of a newspaper. The cover must contain two different stories.
In home economics we are in the process of designing an outfit. We are in groups of either four or five. My group got the colour red. We are doing the theme of love and our inspiration is Cheryl Cole.
In technology we will be entering a competition to design a formula one car and race against other formula one cars designed by pupils in other schools. My team' name is ''Turbo Speed''. I am the team manager. 
We have entered the BT Young Scientists exhibition. We will get confirmation of whether or not we've made it through, by Christmas.
In mini company we have just gotten permission from our principal to go ahead with our idea. We now have to carry out market research in the school.
In history we have to present a power point to the class on one of the events during the cold war or the period just after the cold war. I am doing the Cuban Missile Crisis.
In music we are in different groups creating a music video and a song based on a theme. I am in the African group.
In religion, we have to create a prayer space every month. I have been assigned the month of May.
In art we are trying out different methods and techniques each week. Today we drew a picture of an object and then we painted it using ink.
In P.E each week for our double class we are getting two instructors from Barn hall R.F.C to come and teach us different skills in rugby.
In Spanish we have to do a project on a Spanish topic of our choice. We have to research the topic and then give a power point presentation.
Even though we are really busy with all of our projects, we are still enjoying every bit of it!

Niamh :D

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